The Pros and Cons of Taking Out an Education Loan: You have asked me
to write an article on the advantages and disadvantages of education loan.
This is an important topic as it is part of a big decision for students and
their families. Let us understand it in detail and in easy Hindi
Education is the right of every human being. Many times we need financial
help to get a good education. In such a situation, taking an education loan
can be a good option. But, everything has its own advantages and
disadvantages. In this article, we will understand in detail the advantages
and disadvantages associated with education loan.
The Pros and Cons of Taking Out an Education Loan:
Advantages of Education Loan:
Fulfilling the dream of higher education-
With the help of education loan, students can study in their favorite
university or college, whether it is in India or abroad. It proves to be a
boon for those who do not have enough money for studies.
Low interest rate-
The interest rate on education loan is lower than normal loans (eg,
personal loan). Under special schemes of the government and banks, loans are
made available to the student at affordable rates.
Facility in repayment-
The biggest feature of education loan is that it has to be repaid after the
completion of studies. Due to this, the student does not feel financial
burden during studies.
Tax exemption-
The interest paid on education loan is exempted from tax under section 80E
of the Income Tax Act. This is a good way to provide tax relief.
Independence and self-reliance-
By taking education loan, students do not depend on the family for the
expenses of their studies and move towards becoming financially
Disadvantages of Education Loan:
Loan burden-
Taking an education loan is easy, but repaying it can be challenging. If
the job is not found on time or the salary is low, this burden can
Increasing interest-
The interest charged on education loan can increase over time. If the
installments are not repaid on time, it can become more expensive.
Stress and pressure-
The responsibility of repaying the loan can cause mental stress for
students and their families, especially when the financial situation is
Terms and Conditions-
Banks often impose stringent conditions for obtaining an education loan.
This may include the need for a guarantor and mortgaging property.
Impact on career options-
Many times students limit their career options under the pressure of
repaying the loan and choose only those jobs that can earn money
How to decide?
Taking an education loan is a big financial decision. Before taking it,
consider the following:
Properly assess your need and the cost of education.
Compare different banks and schemes.
Evaluate your ability to repay the loan.
Take advice from family and experts.
Education loan can be a great tool for students, but it should be taken
wisely and cautiously. Make the right decision keeping in mind both its pros
and cons. Remember, education is an investment, but don’t let it become a
financial burden. With the right planning and understanding, education loan
can brighten your future.
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